Introduction to CBT

‏550 SAR

Number of seats available : 5

نناقش فيها: معرفة نماذج العلاج المعرفي السلوكي. معرفة أنواع جلسات العلاج المعرفي السلوكي. فهم طريقة التفكير وتعديل لحالات العلاج المعرفي السلوكي.

Course Trainer

The Academy


Course topics:

(First meeting)

Program introduction: • The goal of the program • The scientific method followed

• General therapeutic evidence in cognitive behavioral therapy

Meeting elements:

  1. Definition of cognitive behavioral therapy and its characteristics.

  2. Cognitive model.

  3. Behavioral model.

  4. Structuring cognitive behavioral therapy sessions.

  5. Psychological evaluation.

  6. Discovering ideas.

  7. Cognitive correction.

  8. Behavioral modification.

  9. Termination and relapse.

(The second meeting)

  1. Explain to the patient what thought discovery is.

  2. Applying a record of thoughts within the session, for the first time, so that the patient can practice them

  3. Explain how to use (the daily log of ideas), and explain how to record the four components.

  4. Explain how to recognize feelings and symptoms.

  5. Explain the term “cognitive” and explain the concept of automatic thoughts and mental images. And training the patient on how to discover thoughts.

  6. Start discovering behaviors.

  7. Discovery Unit Home Exercises

(The third meeting)

Introduction to methods for correcting ideas:

  1. Terms used.

  2. What is the meaning of a negative thought?

  3. The ultimate goal of cognitive correction.

  4. How to start cognitive correction?

  5. Classification of cognitive correction methods.

  6. Cognitive correction sheet method.

  • The third method: benefit and loss/interest and harm.

  • Sixth method: Mindfulness.

  1. Accessing the rational alternative idea.

  2. Problems that cognitive debugging may encounter.